Can I play Entropia on Mac / Linux?

Entropia is a game based on DirectX, which is officially supported only on Windows operating systems. Developing for other systems would mean a complete redevelopment, which is not possible with a small team like ours.

Therefore, Entropia can only be played on one of the following Windows operating systems:
Windows Vista (no longer recommended)
Windows 7
Windows 8 (and 8.1)
Windows 10
Any other version of Windows or other operating systems will not be supported by us.


What are the server rates?

10,000x Exp / 8,000x Penya / 8,000x Drop - maximum level is 175. However, our platinum level system reduces the EXP rate every time.

Each Platinum Level will set your Charakter from Level 175 99.99% back to Level 175 with 00.00% EXP


What effect does the Premium membership have?

You get the following bonuses with the items "Premium (1/3/7/15/30 days)":
- A golden colored character name.
- The EXP and Droprate are increased by 50%.
- Cooldown time of dungeons is reduced by 50%.
- Access to the Premium Exclusive Dungeon! - Weapon effects are raised slightly.
- Cheaper awakenings with / awake.
- The Bloodhunter is usable from platinum level 0. (without premium only possible from platinum level 20)
- Pet for platinum level 50 is usable at level 0. (without premium only possible from platinum level 40)


How do I create a guild?

In Flarine and other cities you should find the NPC [Cash Shop] Laura. With her, you can purchase the "Scroll of Create Guild", which you can then use to create a guild.


I have a suggestion / idea for the server!

If you have a good idea for the server and would like to share it with us, the best place to start is our suggestion channel on Discord. There, not only the team members but also players can judge how the change would make the game more enjoyable. Of course, you can also tell your suggestion to a team member in the game.


I get a error

Some users do not have administrator privileges on their systems - this affects, among other things, the rights of programs. The problem can be solved in most cases by: Right-click on the Entropia Launcher.exe -> Run as administrator.


I would like to have a certain character name, but that's forgiven?

Then this name will probably already have been chosen by another person. You can wait until the character name is released - but when the character with this specific name is deleted and stays in that state for 30 days. Only then all data of this character will be permanently deleted and so the name made available again.


My mouse jumps back and forth or out the window. What can I do?

This issue has been reported to us more in connection with Windows 10. The cause seems to be the DPI scaling associated with certain drivers / mice. The solution is: Go into the folder of your Entropia client and search the Neuz.exe - you click this with the right mouse button. Then you go down on properties. In the tab "Compatibility" the option Disable scaling at high DPI value can be found. If there is no tick, set it, press Apply and then OK.

Now the mouse should show a normal behavior.


My items that I sent by mail are gone. Why?

With us mails have a retention period of 3 days.

If you have not opened the mails and removed the items within this period, the mails including the item will be deleted irrevocably! We will not refund you in affected cases.

So make sure that you or the person receiving the mail takes the items as quickly as possible.


How can I ignore a player in the game?

You can do this by entering the following in the game in the chat (below links):

/ignore name

Of course you have to replace "name" with the name of the player to ignore.

Ignored players can be managed under the messenger "E" and also unblock it if necessary.



Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server Status
  • Server Time
    01:14 PM
  • BG - Siege
  • Crown
  • MvP

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