Weekend Event (English)

A weekend event on Entropia awaits you starting today!

The following events are active for you until June 19, 2023 - 03:00 AM:
• The events start on June 16, 2023 - 03:00 AM
• The events end on June 19, 2023 - 03:00 AM!


Natures Gift

  • Receive an additional plant when harvesting plants.

Plant Expert

  • You can harvest plants 15% faster!

Infinity Power

  • EXP +50%, EXP P50+ +25%, All stats +100

EXP Event x1.5

  • Receive x1.5 more experience for defeating monsters! Platinum 0 to Platinum 50!

Diamond Recycling x2

  • Obtain double the amount of "Diamond Powder" by recycling diamonds. *You can find the recycling window in the game under "Start -> Features"

Alchemy EXP x2

  • Receive x2 more Alchemy EXP when creating items through recipes!

Demon Power

  • PvE Damage +5%


  • All Stats +25

The Pokéballs are now available in the Premium Shop for you until Monday! Try your luck to obtain your favorite Pokémon!

Depending on the type of ball, you have the chance to receive a random Pokémon pet model, a badge, a fashion set, or a power-up.
*You can exchange buff pet models for status pet models with the Pet Tamer in the game!
*Sets: Dragonite, Arcanine, Snorlax & Slowbro (M / F)

Certain Pokémon possess unique and exceptional stat values.

To see the contents of a specific ball, you can search for it in the game's wiki (Ctrl + Z) and then Ctrl + right-click on it.

You can also recycle the Pokémon from the Premier Ball to obtain Pokémon Candy. 10 pieces can be exchanged for a new Premier Ball at the Entropia Chip-NPC! 1x Pokémon = 1x Candy.

Lucky Box of Animated Bags
This box will give you one of many animated cloak models for your character.

Pets Treasure
Receive 1 out of 109 random pet models for your pick-up pet or status pet.

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server StatusOnline
  • Server Time05:06 AM
  • Guild Siege-
  • Battlegrounds-
  • CrownOnlyFans
  • MvPCrow

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