Patch: v9.0.4 (English)

• The monsters in the Cardia dungeons do not change aggro anymore when a teammate dies.
• Trance Mode (RL15) fills up x1.75 faster for each job class.
• The effects of the Royal Beads from Cardia have been raised.
*New effects:
*The effects can also be viewed in the Item Wiki (CTRL+Z).
• The HP of the Destruction Cavern & Azmore Forest Dungeon Boss monsters has been lowered by -25%.
• Daily Quests in Cardia now only require 7 Souls per. Quest.
*The Ice Sentinel Daily Quest now only requires 3 Souls instead of 5.
• The Cardia Daily Quest NPCs have been permanently removed on Channel 2.
• Fixed the bug that some orbs/plants can no longer be mined.
• The item on Wands / Staffs is now only visual and has no effect on your damage.
• You can store the Royal Item Upgrade Smithing Stones +1 to +6 in chests.
*These contain 1000x Smithing Stones and can be purchased for 1000x Smithing Stones from the Cardia soldiers.
• The HP of the World Boss monsters has been increased by +50%.
• The HP of the normal monsters in the Magma Cave has been decreased by -10%.
• The HP of the normal monsters in the Aurania Temple has been decreased by -10%.
• The damage of the normal monsters in the Trigrem Ruins has been decreased by -15%.
• The Bonus Transfer Cards (Normal/Fusion) no longer destroy the items from which the bonus is transferred.
• You can display a visually different region text in the options.
*In the options in the second tab the "Region Text v3" option.
• A new movement has been added to the options, which is only active in PvE.
*This will allow you to move with WSAD while jumping as well.
• New Taskbar toolbars have been added to the game.
*These can be activated in the options.
*You can customize the size of the bars.
• The keys of the new taskbar add-ons can also be used with the FTool.
• The options window has been visually revised.
• You can set the number of active power-ups / buffs per. Line in the options.
• The buff icons can be locked in the options.
*You click through the buff icons when this option is active.
• Added more visual designs to highlight the active power-ups in the inventory in the options.
• Changed the font of the numbers of items in the inventory and bag.
• The /CounterStart feature has been added to the options.
*The position of the information remains stored.
*The commands for this window can still be used.
• The combat stance can be permanently activated in the options.
*Your character will then automatically have the combat stance active after a few seconds have passed.
• Descent of Fairy Books can now be modeled on shields.
• Adjusted the description of the Soulreaver Bonus Upgrade Scroll.
• A New Team Role has been added in-game so that Discord Community Helpers can also help in-game.
*The rights are equal to Game Master rights.
• The Custom Set Glow no longer resets when you press the Change button in your player shop.
• The Ethral/Trigrem Stone Casket Items can now be traded.
• The Ethral/Trigrem Stone Items can now be traded.
• The Ethral/Trigrem Soulreaver Coin Bag Items can now be traded.
• The Ethral/Trigrem Soulreaver Coin Items can now be traded.
• The Earth/Wind button in the Element Change window has been swapped.
• The Dungeon Cooldown window has been renamed to Dungeon Timer.
• The Action Slot icon now has a different color for each setting.
• Fixed a bug with the Ultimate Merge Scroll that caused the Destroyed Gaia item to be modeled on top of the Ultimate Set.
• Fixed the bug that it keeps snowing in the game when you teleport from Azria to Flaris.
• Fixed the bug that a player shops cannot be opened when the camera is zoomed out too far.
• A bug in the Cardia quests has been fixed.
• Pets from the Premium Dungeon now have the correct name when summoned.
• The P75 Royal Reroll Treasure from Daily Roulette has been swapped with a Map Tube.
• The Royal Reroll Treasure is now available in the P100 Daily Roulette.
• Client & Server Optimizations

Force Master:
- Melee Defense +30% on the Royal Set. (Blood & Darkness sets have the same defense values for the time being)
- Ranged Defense +30% on the Royal Set. (Blood & Darkness sets have the same defense values for the time being)
- Melee Defense +30% on the Soulreaver Set.
- Ranged Defense +30% on the Soulreaver Set.
- Melee defense +20% on the Black Shiny set.
- Ranged Defense +20% on the Black Shiny Set.

- Melee defense +15% on the Royal Set. (Blood & Darkness sets have the same defense values for the time being)
- Ranged Defense +20% on the Royal Set. (Blood & Darkness sets have the same defense values for the time being)
- Melee Defense +15% on the Soulreaver Set.
- Ranged Defense +20% on the Soulreaver Set.
- Melee defense +10% on the Black Shiny set.
- Ranged Defense +10% on the Black Shiny Set.

- PvP Damage -15% as a Guild Siege Map Buff.
- The bug with the HP in the Damage EQ for the Arcanist has been fixed in the PvP area.

- PvP Damage -10% as a Guild Siege Map Buff.

More Quality of Life & User suggestions from the past are still being worked on and will be added soon.
We hope you will enjoy today's changes and we wish you a lot of fun playing Entropia!

Patch-Notes for v9.0.4 (English): Additional Fixes:

• Fixed the bug where the boss monsters change their target and no longer focus on the tank when a party member dies.
• Fixed a bug with the element calculation for magic classes.
*These had caused 10% less damage due to the last change.
• Fixed the bug where the Daily Roulette, Challenge & Daily Reward Calendar icons were not clickable due to the normal buff icons nearby.
• Fixed the teleport client crash bug when the additional in-game taskbar was active.
• The font of the item count in the character bank has been adjusted.
• The rare server crash error when starting/closing Guild Wars via team commands, has been fixed.
• Adjustments to the combat stance option have been made.
• Further client & server optimizations
• New and fully patched clients have been added to the download category of our homepage. These are intended for new players or those who have errors with their existing client. If you are currently running fine with your existing client, then you can continue to play with it.

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  • Server Time05:41 AM
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