Patch: v9.0.1 (English)

With this patch we made a few adjustments to the v9.0.0 Patch and made changes to the PvP balance.

Also, a large part of the game code, which is responsible for spawning objects in the game, has been revised.

General Changes:

Cardia Exchanger prices for some Items have been significantly reduced.
You can also exchange the Cardia Plants for one Eternal Stone now.
The following Items are now tradeable:
    • Ether Smithing Stone
    • Light Smithing Stone
    • Cardia Smithing Stone
    • Smithing Stone [+1/+2]
    • Smithing Stone [+3/+4]
    • Smithing Stone [+5/+6]
    • Banner of the Dark Weapon
    • Banner of the Bloody Weapon
    • Banner of the Dark Armor
    • Banner of the Bloody Armor
    • Royal Map Tube
    • Royal Knight Rune
    • Imperial Fire Stone
    Every Royal Reroll Stone
Decreased the HP of the Amethyst Forest Monsters by -30%
Decreased the HP of the Cardia Open World Giants by -20%
Increased the Soul Drop Rate from the Cardia Quests by +20%
Decreased the HP of the Midboss Monsters from the new Royal Dungeons by -15%
Decreased the HP of the Endboss Monsters from the new Royal Dungeons by -10%
Increased the Royal Knight HP by +50%
Increased the Droprate in Dungeons for Loot Orbs, Bead Stones, Augmentations, Reroll Stones and Royal Stat Dices.

PvP Changes (No PvE Changes):

Force Master:
The Asal skill can only be used if you have the "Power of Asal" power-up activated on your character, which can be purchased from the Laura NPC in Flaris for 1p.
The power-up cannot be disabled in the "J" window in the Guild Siege. (But outside it can)
The Power of Asal power-up gives a -500% 1on1 damage effect, so only Asal can be used.
If you want to play the Force Master on 1on1, do not activate this power-up. However, you will not be able to use an Asal skill then.
Stonehand has been disabled in the Guild Siege.
The Soulreaver Knuckle gives only 10% MP instead of 40% MP on +10
*Knuckle +1 = +1%, +3 = +2% etc;
The MP on the Entropia, Shiny Entropia & Black Shiny Entropia Knuckle have been removed.
The Royal Knuckle has 10% more MP (20%) than the Soulreaver Knuckle at +10
The Curus set has +30% more MP as a set effect.
A general 15% MP nerf was added (map buffs)
The STR was lowered by -50 (Map Buffs)
The Kheldor MP, STR, INT glyphs from the Catacombs dungeon, which were rarely used, have been removed from the game, which means they cannot now be "exploited" in the Guild Siege.

PvP Damage (1on1) -5%

PvP Damage (1on1) -5%

PvP Damage (1on1) -5%

• PvP Damage (1on1) -5%

PvP Damage -5%

PvP Damage -10%
Maximum Crisis Cooldown is now set to 5 Seconds in the PvP

PvP Damage +10%
EVA Storm Cooldown is now set to 7 Seconds in the PvP
The EVA Storm Damage was increased

General PvP Changes:
When a character uses the Berry of Absorb from Cardia, it will visually indicate to all participants who has it Active.

Hotfix (19.07.2022):
• A Equipment Switch Bug got fixed.
• Client Optimizations / Crash Fixes
• Fixed a bug where pets visually stand on the map multiple times in an instance when teleporting from A to B in the dungeon.
• The job change window opens again when reaching the job change level.
*That was bugged since the last patch.
• Adjustments to the Set Glow.
*It can still happen that the custom set glow resets to default, but we are still working on it so that it will run error-free.
• The Allstat Glyphs at the Kheldor Dungeon NPC have been removed.
• There will also be some adjustments made to the root server itself, which will take a few minutes to complete when the server is restarted.

There is also a new fully patched client uploaded to the homepage because we cleaned up the patch path on our server. So if you haven't patched before and have a older client (pre. v9.0.0), it's best to download it again!

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server StatusOnline
  • Server Time01:48 AM
  • Guild Siege-
  • Battlegrounds-
  • CrownOnlyFans
  • MvPCrow

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