Weekend Event (English)
A weekend event on Entropia awaits you!
The following events are active for you until June 7, 2022:
The Events will start on the 03/06/2022 at 03:00 AM - UTC+2
The Events expire on the 07/06/2022 at 03:00 AM - UTC+2
• EXP x1.5
- Receive x1.5 more EXP for defeating monsters!
(+100% with the Infinity Power Event!)
• Infinity Power
- EXP +50%, EXP P50+ +25%, All Stats+100
Daily at: 10:00 AM until 02:00 PM - UTC+2
Daily at: 06:00 PM until 10:00 PM - UTC+2
• Boss Respawn Chance +22%
- Boss monsters in dungeons have a 22% chance to reappear after being killed.
• Mystic Power+
- There is a 7% Chance that you do twice more Damage on your Enemies (PvE)
Shop Sale until the 7. June 2022 03:00 AM - UTC+1
• Lucky Box of Animated Bags
- This Box gives you one out of many Animated Bag Model Cloaks for your Character.
• Lucky Card Treasure
- Receive one to three random S or 10% Socketcards.
With Luck you can also receive one R or 12% Socketcard!
(Those Cards can also be farmed ingame - Drops / Collect Pieces in Dungeons)
• Anarchy Buff Lucky Box
- Get a Special Donate Anarchy Buff (1 Hour) or a Normal Anarchy Buff.
You can also receive an Infinity Power Anarchy Buff with some luck.
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