Weekend Event (English)

A weekend event on Entropia awaits you!

The following events are active for you until the 7. Februar 2022 03:00
• The Events will start on the 4. Februar 2022 03:00 AM - UTC+1
• The Events expire on the 7. Februar 2022 03:00 AM - UTC+1 !


 Penya Rate+30%
Receive +30% more Penya from Monsters!

Blue Secret Treasure
All monsters level 170+ can drop a "Blue Secret Treasure " which contains special items. Augmentations, Fashion Gems, Badges, Upgrade Material, Perin, Entropia Chips, Lucky CS Pet Boxes. Also check Channel 2, because there are less players! Spread out for a better drop.

Suck Blood (HP)+5%, Spell Vamp+2%

•  Anarchy Buff: Mystic Power+
There is a 7% Chance that you do twice more Damage on your Enemies (PvE)

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server StatusOnline
  • Server Time04:39 AM
  • Guild Siege-
  • Battlegrounds-
  • CrownOnlyFans
  • MvPCrow

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