Special Offers (English)

:EntropiaTreasure: :DarknessTreasure:
Ultimate Treasure Sale -20%
Save -20% on the purchase of the Normal & Darkness Entropia Treasure!

Save -25% in the Premium category!
Premium, Bundles & Namecolor!

Anarchy Buff Lucky Box
Receive a random Donate Anarchy buff that affects all players when activated!

Vote Shop Sales -30%
All items in the Vote Shop cost -30% less until the 6th October - 11:59 PM!
Take this opportunity to stock up on useful items.

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server StatusOnline
  • Server Time04:55 AM
  • Guild Siege-
  • Battlegrounds-
  • CrownOnlyFans
  • MvPCrow

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