Patch-Notes: v8.3.0.1 (English)

General changes:
• Added a function to rejoin dungeons in case of a disconnect.
*If you get disconnected in the dungeon and log back in within three minutes, you will return to the beginning of the dungeon.
*This also applies if you logout in the dungeon.
*If you reconnect for the third time in the same dungeon, you will end up in Flaris.
*If there are no other players in the dungeon and you leave or teleport out of the dungeon in the normal way, the dungeon instance will be closed.
• A sorting function in the teleporter (Hotkey: V) has been added again.
• The bug that the buff pet window closes if you are too far away from your buff pet has been fixed.
• Fixed a server-side crash bug in the dungeon ranking system.
• Client optimizations
• Security fixes

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  • Server Time09:16 AM
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