Special Offers + Premium Bundle (English)

You can find new limited time offers in our ingame Premium Shop!
The store is available in the game under Start -> Premium Items -> Entropia Shop!

More information about the offers can be found in this article.

The :LoyaltyTreasure: Loyalty Treasures are available in the Premium Shop until the 20th September, 2021 - 11:59 PM - UTC+2!
Try your luck to get a Entropia Golem orShadow Entropia Golem!
The Golems have the same stats as farmable pets in the game.
The Entropia Golem can be transformed into a Shadow Entropia Golem with the help of an Alchemy Recipe!

Entropia Golem Effects:
All Stats +35, PvE Damage+15%, Speed+15%

Shadow Entropia Golem Effects:
All Stats +50, PvE Damage+25%, Speed+25%

The :StatPetsTreasure: :CSPetsTreasure: Pet Treasures are available in the Premium Shop until the 20th September, 2021 - 11:59 PM - UTC+2
Receive 1 of 109 random Pet Models for your Pick-Up Pet or Status Pet.

Two new :PremiumBundle:Premium Bundles are available for :RedDiamond: 1,250x Red Diamonds in the Premium Shop until the middle of next month!

You will receive additional items in the two bundles.

The Pets have the following effects:

:GaiaLionIcon: Gaia Lion Pick-Up Pet:
All Stats +15, Bloodsuck +5%, EXP+20% (P0 ~ P40)
:CujoIcon: Cujo Pick-Up Pet:
All Stats+15, Bloodsuck+10%, EXP at P41 +5%

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server StatusOnline
  • Server Time05:41 AM
  • Guild Siege-
  • Battlegrounds-
  • CrownOnlyFans
  • MvPCrow

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