Patch-Notes: v8.2.2.0 (English)

In this patch, the Gaia Dungeon awaits you,
which brings some dangers with it as well as the possibility to upgrade your Black Dragon Fashion to a Gaia Fashion.
to a Gaia Fashion!

General changes:
- The requirements for the production of a Gaia Fashion Set have been slightly increased -
- The entries in the Magma Cave Dungeon have been lowered from 4 to 3 -

*A Premium Status Entry Run has been removed from the Magma Dungeon!
- Client optimizations & security fixes-
- Homepage ranking adjustments -

The Gaia Forest has two entries per. Day (1x Normal & +1 Further with an Active Premium Status)

In the Gaia Dungeon you can collect the needed crystals,
which are needed for the production of a Gaia Fashion Set!

You have the possibility to upgrade your fashion set at the NPC "Aoife" in Flaris!

All previous properties like revival or bonus values of your Black Dragon set will be lost,
if you have used it for this purpose.

To create a Gaia Fashion Set, Aoife will need some materials from areas that you have already explored.

Three Black Dragon Fashion Sets are also required, which have previously been recycled into a Black Dragon Stone.

Aoife has unfortunately made a mistake in the recipe and has slightly increased the number of materials needed,
which are needed for the production of a Gaia Fashion Set.

To make the Gaia Fashion Set, follow the item description that Aoife has in her "recipe".

For a certain fee of materials, Aoife will trade you a Finished Set for a like-new Gaia Fashion Set of a different class or gender.

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  • Server StatusOnline
  • Server Time08:53 AM
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