Patch-Notes: v8.2.1.6 (English)

• You can enter parties with a double click in the party finder.
• Once you open the teleporter, you can scroll down directly at the locations with the mouse wheel.
• Boss monsters are marked with red color on the minimap outside dungeons.
• When using the Scroll of STR, STA, DEX, INT you will now see a message showing how many stats your item has received.
• The One Hit Chance effect will no longer affect the record book.
*The PvE damage values have therefore been reset for the last time.
• Due to the PvP balance changes, the PvP damage record has also been reset.
• Leecher characters are no longer needed for more EXP or to level up the party.
*If you are level 40+ in a party, you will receive the exact same EXP as if you had a Leecher behind you.
*The EXP rate has not been touched, only an active leecher is simulated by the existence of a party to all members.
• When changing a job class, your equipment switch settings will be cleared to prevent errors.
• Client optimizations
• Security fixes
• Database adjustments

If any of your desired suggestions have not been included in this patch, please be patient as some other suggestions and Guild Siege changes have taken a lot of time.
A few more suggestions will be added in the coming updates.
Please note that we have already scheduled some suggestions and they will appear in a few weeks or months, depending on how much time there is, because we already want to work on the very large content update for the future, which will appear when the currently locked content has been unlocked and mostly played through.

Smaller content unlocks will be coming in the next few weeks!

Guild Siege:
• The Full Key effects now work again in the PvP.
*e.g. The HP effects of the Blessed Key.
• Added a system that detects whether Damage Equipment or HP Equipment is equipped in PvP areas.
*In the case of Damage Equipment, the character receives less HP.
*The values have been checked so that everything is balanced.
*The system will be removed over time after the Soulreaver set release in the future.
• You can only get the MvP / Crown badge through the Normal Guild Siege.
• Battleground Guild Siege no longer awards badges, and players from the previous Normal Guild Siege still retain them.
• The Battleground / Normal Guild Siege logs will soon be displayed together on the homepage in the statistics.
*For this, changes to the homepage are still needed from our web developer.
• A reset of the ingame Guild Siege ranking was requested, which was also reset with this patch.
*Due to the reset, all entries from previous Guild Sieges's on the homepage have been affected and are displayed incorrectly. However, future entries will be displayed correctly.
*A separation of the ingame Guild Siege ranking and the presentation on the homepage is unfortunately not so easily possible with this system and may be done in the future when we have much more time, because this would take a lot of time for the separation alone.
• The Guild Siege schedule will also remain the same and will not be increased!
*Proposals to change this will get rejected.

Guild Siege Schedule:

Normaler Guild Siege:
• Tuesday at 8:30 PM - UTC+2
• Thursday at 8:30 PM - UTC+2
• Sunday at 8:30 PM - UTC+2

Battleground Guild Siege:
• Monday at 8:30 PM - UTC+2
• Wednesday at 8:30 PM - UTC+2
• Friday at 8:30 PM - UTC+2
• Saturday at 8:30 PM - UTC+2

• With the current balance we have noticed that everything is a bit more difficult to balance, so we can already tell you that from the Soulreaver Equipment Release there will be two different Set & Weapon types for the Soulreaver Parts (DMG & HP).
*Both parts (DMG & HP) can be merged with the existing Black Shiny Equipments / Weapons in the future.
*In the future there will be no separation of bonuses for DMG & HP parts, so that you can also get bonuses on HP parts e.g. STR or CD and the market between the players remains stable.
*Any suggestions to make it different to achieve perfect bonus stats faster will be strictly and directly rejected by us.
*Bonus Transfer Scrolls can be used in the future under the DMG & HP Soulreaver Parts as they are released in the future.
*There will be no simplification to get these bonus transfer scrolls faster!
• Also, many have requested that certain power-ups in the PvP Arena / Guild Siege be blacklisted or have no effect when entering the map.
*This system was tried by us over several hours to implement and leads, however, to problems to stack stats, which also can not be easily lifted.
*This feature will therefore not come and will also be rejected directly in the future if someone should suggest it.
*A reduction of the power-ups is also not planned in the near future and may follow in the very late future (late in the case of completely new content in the future).
*Also it is not possible to add more then three Effects on a Item, so this is cancelled for the time being.
*Unfortunately, not everything is as simple as one would like it to be.
• It is also possible that after the first Guild Siege's (1-4) some job classes will be slightly adjusted by us.
*Tests with multiple people, are then performed on the test server.
• Other requests like blocking more skills, removing effects on items only in PvP will also be rejected by us in the future, because they only cause more problems for us (stacks or more bugs) and take a lot of time.

PvP Balance - PvP Arena / Guild Siege:
Job: Templar

Map Buffs:
• Melee & Rangeblock -200%
• HP-Rate -190%
• PvP Damage (1on1) -50%
• PvP Damage (1on1) -10%
• PvP Damage -20%
• ATK-20%

Job: Slayer

Map Buffs:
• Melee & Rangeblock -200%
• HP-Rate +15%
• PvP Damage (1on1) -50%
• PvP Damage (1on1) -10%
• PvP Damage -10%
• ATK-20%
• Deadly X (Skill) Damage -15%

Job: Harlequin

Map Buffs:
• Melee & Rangeblock -200%
• STA-Scale -10%
• HP-Rate -35%
• ATK -5%
• PvP Damage (1on1) -100%

Job: Crackshooter

Map Buffs:
• Melee & Rangeblock -200%
• Attack Range (Bow) -30%
• ATK-5%
• PvP Damage (1on1) -50%
• PvP Damage (1on1) -20%

Job: Seraph

Map Buffs:
• Melee & Rangeblock -200%
• HP-Rate -25%
• PvP Damage (1on1) -50%
• PvP Damage (1on1) -20%
• ATK-10%

Job: Force Master

Map Buffs:
• Melee & Rangeblock -200%
• MP-Rate -50%
• MP-Rate -25%
• STA-Scale +10%
• HP-Rate -15%
• PvP Damage (1on1) -100%

Job: Mentalist

Map Buffs:
• Melee & Rangeblock -200%
• HP-Rate +25%
• PvP Damage +15%
• ATK-10%

Job: Arcanist

Map Buffs:
• Melee & Rangeblock -200%
• STA-Scale +10%
• PvP Damage -40%
• ATK -25%

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server Status
  • Server Time
    04:52 PM
  • Guild Siege
  • Battlegrounds
  • Crown
  • MvP

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