A Fresh Start (Wipe)

Hello dear Entropia Community,
We would like to talk to you about the future of our server based on the current number of players.

At the moment, due to various influences, the server does not have a decent number of players and therefore no more new players start on Entropia:

• Summertime, which this year is also enhanced due to the easing after the Corona Lockdown. In this time people just tend to spend their time on other things.
• An enormous number of players, who had tons of donation points up until 2013 when the last server restarted and their donations widely got refunded had a major impact on the economy.
• As a result, a lot of players got to the endgame faster, because all items were bought with the mentioned points and immediately expected a lot of content that we could not provide that quickly.
• Some players have been permanently banned from real money trading, bug abuse or AFK farming and will not start again.
• There were some problems with the last server restart (Movement, PvP Balance).

After an internal team meeting, we decided to do a fresh start.
Based on past experience, we tend to do a full server wipe instead of opening a new cluster/server.

All players who are currently playing on our server and have more than 30 hours of playtime within the last 30 days will automatically receive a "Compensation Treasure" when starting over, which include the following items:
The link also contains the characters who receive a box.
Duplicate accounts/characters of a person will be checked again until the start.

You are welcome to give us your opinion on the Compensation Treasure on our Discord server.

In addition, all fashion / model items of the donors of the month would be reimbursed from the beginning of 2020 to 2021.
What the donors of the month do with the sales or gifts on the previous server is up to you.
In any case, there won’t be new sets nor adjustments to them. You will receive what has been commissioned.

It would be our personal wish to work on new and larger server content from the beginning, which we will patch piece by piece as soon as the whole community is ready for it.
Of course, we would still make adjustments, fixes, balance changes, events or small suggestions on the server during this time.

Here you get to the community survey regarding the wipe:
Server Settings / Donate Points Refund:
English: https://bit.ly/WipeSurveyETP

Here you can request the unblocking of your account:
English: https://bit.ly/UnbannRequestETP

Note: We will not change the look of any old content!

The server will be taken offline tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. CEST.
The new server launches on Friday, July 9th 2021, at 6:00 p.m CEST.

All vote points have already been reset and can be collected from NOW.

Please use our #??ticketsystem channel or write to a Gamemaster if you have any questions.
Wishes or suggestions are welcome to be posted on our Discord server.

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server StatusOnline
  • Server Time08:53 AM
  • Guild Siege-
  • Battlegrounds-
  • CrownOnlyFans
  • MvPCrow

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