May: Beginner Event + Red Diamond Info

Hello dear Entropia Community,
we have a major event announcement for you!
The events will run throughout the month of May.
There may be additional events such as Boss Monster Invasions or something else that will be launched.

Two new systems have also been added.

You will receive daily rewards until the 31/05/2021 if you spend one hour in the game!
Log in daily for one hour to collect your reward.
A platinum level 30 character is required to participate.
There is no limit to how many characters you can participate with.

There will be an EXP x1.5, Penya x1.2 and an Activity EXP x1.25 event running for you until the 31/05/2021!

Earn double Infinity Points by defeating monsters on the:

01/05/2021 until the 02/05/2021 & 21/05/2021 until the 23/05/2021

The Red Diamonds (donate currency) can be purchased in the Premium Shop and works similar to a coupon.
You click on the Red Diamonds (item) and the Red Diamonds are credited to your character's account.
The Red Diamonds can only be traded in the game via player shops / vendors and in the black market.
Using these Red Diamonds does NOT fill up your Donate reward bar!
The reward bar only fills up with donations that are made independently.

You can buy 1x 100 Red Diamonds as an item in the Premium Shop and
1x 1000 Red Diamonds.

These Red Diamonds can also be stacked in the inventory in the game.
e.g. 55x 100 Red Diamonds = 5500 Red Diamonds

Gamemasters cannot create or use these items!

Until the 31/05/2021
new characters will receive all Shiny Entropia Sets for each job class at +10, Shiny Entropia Weapons at +20 and a Shiny Entropia Jewellery Set at +20 in the Beginner Box, which have an expiry time of 14 days!
(Can no longer be equipped after the 14 days have expired!)

Items with an expiry date cannot be fused, merged, recycled or sold for large sums of money to NPCs.

An Anarchy Buff will be started every day until the 31/05/2021, which is usually started every few weeks at the weekend!
Log in daily and find out which Anarchy Buff is currently running!

Dove of Luck, Riot+, Double PvE Damage, Dungeon Entry+1 and much more!

The boss monsters in the dungeon have a probability of reappearing!
This will take place on the following date:
14/05/2021 until the 16/05/2021

Receive double the experience for the Alchemy System on the 07/05/2021 until the 09/05/2021!
All you have to do is complete recipes from the Alchemy NPC!

Obtain double the amount of Diamond Powder by recycling diamonds on the:
07/05/2021 until the 09/05/2021 & 28/05/2021 until the 30/05/2021

Active shouting gives you a buff with small effects.
You must perform five shouts within 30 minutes and one more in those 30 minutes to keep your buff.

Spam or insults towards other players may result in actions from the team.
Use the Auto Shout to promote your goods and items.

On the 07/05/2021 until the 09/05/2021 Fluffys appear throughout Madrigal (+Trigrem & Ethral),
which drop "Star Boxes".

You can search for "Star Box" in the Item Wiki and view the contents by CTRL + right-clicking on the box.

On the 14/05/2021 until the 16/05/2021 Pinatas appear throughout Madrigal (+Trigrem & Ethral),
which drop "Pinata Event Box (Normal)".

You can search for "Pinata Event Box (Normal)" in the Item Wiki and view the contents
by CTRL + right-clicking on the box.

On the 21/05/2021 until the 23/05/2021 Clockworks Butler appear throughout Madrigal (+Trigrem & Ethral),
which drop "Black Giftboxes".

You can search for "Black Giftbox" in the Item Wiki and view the contents by CTRL + right-clicking on the box.

Playerside Black Market Auctions on Saturday the 01/05/2021 at 08:00 PM - UTC+2

Auction your items anonymously on the black market to other players!

Playerside Black Market Auctions on Saturday the 15/05/2021 at 08:00 PM - UTC+2
Auction your items anonymously on the black market to other players!

Playerside Black Market Auctions on Saturday the 29/05/2021 at 08:00 PM - UTC+2
Auction your items anonymously on the black market to other players!

Serverside Black Market Auctions on Sunday the 16/05/2021 at 08:00 PM - UTC+2
Items are offered from the server! each player can bid on them! The highest bidder receives the item afterwards! The Entropia Chip Perins or Perins of the highest bidder will be deleted from the server afterwards! If you have been outbid, you will get your Chip Perins or Perins back!
The black market auction is set and will start automatically on Sunday!

Serverside Black Market Auctions on Sunday the 30/05/2021 at 08:00 PM - UTC+2

Items are offered from the server! each player can bid on them! The highest bidder receives the item afterwards! The Entropia Chip Perins or Perins of the highest bidder will be deleted from the server afterwards! If you have been outbid, you will get your Chip Perins or Perins back!
The black market auction is set and will start automatically on Sunday!


Redeem: Click Here

Beginner Treasure (Coupon)
1x Ring of Wonders (Job Change Item)
5x Scroll of Experience Ultra (24 Hours)
5x [Beginner] Crafted Flask (EXP+100%)
5x 2011 FWC Card5x 2011 Card
 3x Online Event - Experience Medicine (EXP+30%)
3x Online Event - HP Medicine (HP +5%)
3x Online Event - Attack Medicine (ATK +5%)
3x Online Event - PVE-Damage (PVE Damage+5%)

The Vote Event x2 is Active until the 07/05/2021!
Vote for our Server & Support us and receive 7.000 Vote Points!

You can vote up to 3 times a day on an account of your choice for us via our homepage and receive 3x 7000 Vote Points! Always use a new IP (No Proxy or VPN) and a different device for each vote!

If you have voted 3x on one account, you are not allowed to vote 3x on another account on the same day!
If you have problems with the voting, press CTRL + F5 on the GTOP100 page where you can rotate the pictures / do the captcha or try another browser!

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server StatusOnline
  • Server Time09:30 AM
  • Guild Siege-
  • Battlegrounds-
  • CrownOnlyFans
  • MvPCrow

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