Special Sale (English)

Hello dear Entropia Community,
we have some Special Item offers for you in our Ingame Premium Shop until the 11.03.2021 - 11:59 PM UTC+1!

You can reach our Premium Shop Ingame:

Start -> Premium Items -> Entropia Shop

The following Items will be offered!
 The Ultimate Entropia Darkness Treasures are available
You can obtain a :FairyOfDarknesUltimate: Darkness Fairy (Ultimate) from them!
 4 New and Limited Fashion Sets. (750 Red Diamonds)
 New Premium Bundles (1.250 Red Diamonds)

• Discord Nitro Booster will receive 1.500 Red Diamonds for FREE!
You can find more Informations about this in our #nitro-boost-info Channel on our Discord Server!

*Diese Fashion Sets werden nach dem 11.03.2021 über eine längere zeit nicht mehr verfügbar sein!

A New :PremiumBundle: Premium Bundle is available until the 01.04.2021 - 11:59 PM - UTC+1 in the Premium Shop!

You can Purchase this Bundle in the Ingame Premium Shop for 1.250 Red Diamonds!
Start -> Premium Items -> Entropia Shop

Bundle Content:
:PremiumStatus: Premium - 30 Days

:CujoPet: Cujo Pick-Up Pet
Pet Effect: All Stats+15, Bloodsuck+10%, EXP P41 +5%

:Set: Jaakuna Set (M) + (F)
Model Fashion

A New :PremiumBundle: Premium Bundle is available until the 01.04.2021 - 11:59 PM - UTC+1 in the Premium Shop!

You can Purchase this Bundle in the Ingame Premium Shop for 1.250 Red Diamonds!
Start -> Premium Items -> Entropia Shop

Bundle Content:
:PremiumStatus: Premium - 30 Days

:GaiaLamaBlack: Black Gaia Lama Pick-Up Pet
Pet Effect: All Stats+15, Speed+10%, EXP+25%

:GaiaLamaWhite: White Gaia Lama Pick-Up Pet
Pet Effect: All Stats+15, Speed+10%, EXP+25%

:Badge_PremiumLama: Black Lama Character Badge

:Badge_PremiumLamaW: White Lama Character Badge

Double Boost our Discord Server and hold it until the 07/03/2021 to receive 1.500 :RedDiamond: Red Diamonds and a :Set: Murasaki Set in (M) or (F)!

Write your Charactername into the #??reward-names after your double boost and if you want to receive a Male or Female Fashion Set!

You will receive the Promocodes for the Set and the Red Diamonds on the 08/03/2021.

Additionally there is an extra giveaway for Discord Nitro Booster where you can win Red Diamonds!

Buy Discord Nitro (Can be cancelled at any time!) and click on our Discord server name top left to boost!
(This can be repeated)

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server StatusOnline
  • Server Time09:52 AM
  • Guild Siege-
  • Battlegrounds-
  • CrownOnlyFans
  • MvPCrow

Double Boost our Server with Discord Nitro
and get access to exclusive Giveaways, Patch Previews and Free Diamonds
Every Month!