Special Sale (English) #Finished

:shopping_bags: New Special Sale :shopping_bags:
Valid until the 22/01/2021 - 11:59 PM - UTC+1!

Hello dear Entropia Community, we would like to inform you that new Special Sale offers are available for you in the Premium Shop!

You can reach the Premium Shop in the game with:
Start -> Premium Items -> Entropia Shop

The following items are available:
:EntropiaTreasure: Ultimate Entropia Treasure
Chance to receive an Ultimate Cloak :UltimateCloak:, Mask :UltimateMask: , Ultimate Pieces :UltimatePieceYellow: or other Items.
:DivineWeapons: Divine Weapon Models
Receive one Random Divine Weapon Model
:ChineseFashionTreasure: Lucky Chinese Fashion Treasure
Receive a random Fashion Set Part or an Power-Up:
Black Altair/Vega Set, Altair/Vega Set, Dark Rai Z Set, Slashing Water Set

:star: New Premium Bundles :star:
Valid until the 15/02/2021 - 11:59 PM - UTC+1!

:PremiumBundle: Premium 30 Days - Box (Blue Infinity Dragon):
:PremiumStatus: Premium 30 Days
:BlueInfinityDragon: Blue Infinity Dragon
All Stats+20, Penya+10%, P41+ EXP+10%
:BlueWingPremiumBadge: Blue Wing - Premium Badge

:PremiumBundle: Premium 30 Days - Box (Golden Infinity Dragon):
:PremiumStatus: Premium 30 Days
:GoldenInfinityDragon: Blue Infinity Dragon
All Stats+20, Penya+10%, P41+ EXP+10%
:HeartStaffPremiumBadge: Blue Wing - Premium Badge

:star: Premium Effects :star:
Golden Charactername
EXP+50% & Higher Droprate
Reduced Dungeon Cooldown (-50%)
More Daily Dungeon Entrys
Bonus Weapon Effects
Access to the Premium Dungeon
Buy Items from the Shop Search
Equip Platinum Level Items earlier

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server StatusOnline
  • Server Time04:36 AM
  • Guild Siege-
  • Battlegrounds-
  • CrownOnlyFans
  • MvPCrow

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