Patch-Notes: 15/05/2019 (English)

Today we have a patch for you with some minor improvements and implementation of suggestions.
Today's patch is only the first part.
Some improvements, suggestions and bug/crash fixes will follow in the course of next week, after that we will focus more on bigger changes/systems.

At the moment there are still a lot of things on our to-do list, so be curious!
Also some optimizations on the server itself were done today.

Patchlogs - 15/05/2019 - Part 1
- The MP/FP will heal now to the maximum if you switch your equipment!
- The Hero icon in the Messenger (E) has been hidden.
- The Platinum Scroll Exchange window is now available under Start -> Features.
- Perins can be opened in combat.
- If someone from your party is in the Premium Dungeon, you can't enter the Premium Dungeon until the other person is outside.
- The Buff Pang now also gives you the Selfbuffs of your class.
- Added a hotkey for the Dungeon Cooldown window (CTRL + V)
- Added a hotkey for the Element Change window (CTRL + E)
- A third option category has been added to the options window.
- You can now permanently hide pets in the options.
*The combination CTRL + P only hides other players now.
- Status pets now have infinite life.
- The status pet window, which always opened additionally, has been completely deactivated.
- Wing Auras can now be hidden in the options.
*If you hide your wings/aura, other players won't be able to see them either!
- The Party Finder now works across channels.
- A display error in the Partyfinder has been fixed.
- Some models & badges for future auctions have been added.
- You can now purchase bags from the Venux Exchanger that contain a higher quantity of quest items.
*So you have the possibility to exchange 1000x quest items into a bag, which contains this quest item.
*This was introduced to make selling more convenient.
*If you get killed with these bags in your inventory or bag (B), you will drop the exchanged bags like the quest items from venux.
- You can now purchase bags from the Eden Exchanger which contain a higher number of quest items.
*So you have the possibility to exchange 500x quest items into a bag, which contains this quest item.
*This was introduced to make selling more convenient.
- The PvP Rumble now starts with 5 people and takes 2 minutes to fully start.
- In the Guild Siege Arena you can't see the names of enemy players now.
*These are displayed as "Enemy".
*There may be some adjustments if we missed something.
*If it doesn't go well after a few Guild Sieges, we can reverse this change.
- The Custom Movement (option) will automatically be deactivated on the Guild Siege Map.
- The Pokemon Pets from the Guild Siege Exchanger only cost 1500 Coins instead of 3500.
- The characters with balance group rights will no longer be listed in the record book if they make a higher record.
*This was unfortunately the case with some effects.
*A reset of the record book will follow in the future. (Probably after the PvE Balance!)
- Some crashes, safety fixes and display errors have been fixed.
*More fixes will follow in the next part of the patch (next week)

Black Market Auctions:
- The Black Market has now been set for the next 2 months and will be started automatically from the Server.
*In our Discord we will inform you again when a black market auctions start.
*Every Saturday at 06:45 PM - UTC+2 the Server will start a Playerside Black Market Auction.
*Every Sunday at 07:30 PM - UTC+2 the Server will start a Serverside Black Market Auction.
*Every 2 weeks there will be a smaller Serverside Black Market auction for the international non-eu players on Tuesday at 03:30 AM - UTC+2
- The preset items of the automatic server black market auctions can still be changed live.
*So if there should be any wishes or strong requests for certain items, we can add them directly before the start of an auction!

Class Balance:
The changes to the class balance are not final yet!
Some changes can and will follow in the course of next week!
Minor changes can be made via Map Buffs during the server is online.

The test phase for the PvE balance has not started yet and will follow as soon as the PvP balance is over.

- Double Damage effect reduced by -10% (= 0%) via map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP and PvP Rumble Arena
- The Melee Blockrate got reduced by -10% over a map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP and PvP Rumble Arena.
- The Range Blockrate got reduced by -10% over a map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP and PvP Rumble Arena.

- The HP-Rate was increased by +20% over a map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP and PvP Rumble Arena.
- The PvP-Damage was increased by +10% over a map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP and PvP Rumble Arena.
- The Reflect Effect of the Skill "Crucio Spell" got reduced by -5%.
- The Range of the Skill "Aether Grasp" got reduced by -40%
- The Damage of the Skill "Cimetiere's Scream" got reduced by -50%
- The PvE-Damage got increased permanently by +25%.

- The PvP-Damage (1on1) got reduced by -30% over a map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP and PvP Rumble Arena.
- The PvP-Damage got reduced by -10% with a map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP and PvP Rumble Arena.
- The Range Blockrate was increased by +10% with a map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP, and PvP Rumble Arena.
- The HoP animation has been slowed down a bit again.
- The Damage of the Skill "Pandemonium" got increased by +20%.

- The PvP-Damage (1on1) got reduced by -25% over a map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP, and PvP Rumble Arena.

- The PvP-Damage (1on1) got reduced by -15% over a map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP, and PvP Rumble Arena.
- The Slayer AoE Skill-Range, was slightly increased.

- The PvP-Damage (1on1) got reduced by -5% over a map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP, and PvP Rumble Arena.

Force Master:
- The PvP-Damage (1on1) got reduced by -30% over a map buff in the Guild Siege, PvP, and PvP Rumble Arena.
- The INT AoE Skill Damage got increased by +50%.

- The Damage of the AoE Skill "Force of Light" got increased by +100%.

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    08:39 AM
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