Patch-Notes: 22/03/2019 (English)
- The Daily Dungeon Entries are available again and work flawlessly!
- Bonus Time Runs are now available again.
*There is currently a bug in the les britannia dungeon, so the end boss (harpy) does not appear. (This will be fixed in the next server restart)
- Some self-buffs are no longer buffed when using / buff
*Dark Illussion (Harlequin/Crackshooter)
*Counter Attack (Harlequin/Crackshooter)
*Rage (Templar)
*Pain Reflection (Templar)
- The Laccottes will no longer be used automaticly if you switch your equipment with the equip switch system and your HP will be lowered or equal than before.
*The Laccote will only used if your maximum HP is increased when you switched your equipment!
- Exclusive Black Market and Premium Shop Items have been added to the game.
*New Hats have been added in the game, which will be available soon through auctions!
*Animated weapons were added into the game, which will soon be available through auctions!
*Animated bags have been added to the game, which will soon be available through auctions!
*The Animated Bags can be viewed in the Item Wiki with CTRL + LEFT CLICK.
*Search for (Bag) in the item wiki!
*Further models for Aurania coins / chips or event tokens will follow soon!
- Some performance adjustments have been made in the Gaia Forest Dungeon.
- Some text adjustments.
- Missing Item Icons were patched.
- The Teleport Droplists have been adjusted.
- Security & Bugfixes.
Small Information:
We apologize for the extended maintenance's.
We will do our best to carry out the next maintenance faster and complete it on time!
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