[S1 + S2] Weekend Event (English)

Hello dear Entropia Community,
this weekend we have some events for you again!

The Pinatas appear everywhere in Madrigal and drop valuable boxes for you, which contain great items like Perins, Power-Ups, Premium etc;

Additionally, there is a 25% chance that the end boss monsters in dungeons will spawn again after you killed him!
Get ready for double Loot!


In addition to this Weekend Event, the Battleground Guild Siege will take place more often!

You will receive an Guild Siege Ready Equipment from the Server, to start right away with PvP!

All participants receive participant chests and the top 3 receive a special chest!

You can view the contents of the chests by searching for "Battleground" in the item wiki (CTRL+Z)
and press "CTRL + right click" on the chests.


Battleground Guild Siege: 05:30 PM - UTC+2
Battleground Guild Siege: 08:30 PM - UTC+2
Battleground Guild Siege: 21:30 Uhr

Battleground Guild Siege: 05:30 PM - UTC+2
Battleground Guild Siege: 08:30 PM - UTC+2
Battleground Guild Siege: 09:30 PM - UTC+2

Battleground Guild Siege: 05:30 PM - UTC+2
Normal Guild Siege: 08:30 PM - UTC+2
Battleground Guild Siege: 09:30 PM - UTC+2

We wish you a lot of fun!

On Saturday at 19:30 PM - UTC+2 a Player Black Market Auction will take place!
Players can offer their items anonymously for a fee (10 perins) here and the players who bid the most will receive the items.

The players who offer their items receive the bid amount from the other Players minus -10%, which goes to the server.

You can reach the Black Market at two locations in Saint Morning via the teleporter (Hotkey: V)!

The Entropia Treasures are available for a reduced Price until this Sunday on Server 1 and Server 2!
*On server 1 it affects all Entropia Treasures!

You save -20% when buying Entropia Treasures!

By donating for our server you will receive diamonds (donate currency) for server 1 and server 2!
Red Diamonds (Server 2) + Blue Diamonds (Server 1)

When you donate you will receive additional reward points for extra FREE items on both servers!

Free Rewards - Server 1: Click Here!
Free Rewards - Server 2: Click Here!

Thanks to all players who support the server in this way! <3

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server Status
  • Server Time
    05:23 PM
  • Guild Siege
  • Battlegrounds
  • Crown
  • MvP

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