Vote Event x2 + Info (English)

Dear Entropia Community, from today 01/05/2020 until the 07/05/2020 you will receive double the number of vote points for your vote!
You can vote and receive points up to 3 times on your account!
Please use a different IP address & device for each vote.

If you get an error while voting (e.g. with the red button on GTOP100), please try to press CTRL + F5 on exactly this page to reload the page and try to vote again.
It can also help to use another browser and vote via the homepage (logged in)!

Available Items in our Vote Shop:


If you still got any Problems with the Voting on GTOP100.
Then just write your IP + Account ID (From Entropia) here:

GTOP100 Contact:
Your IP:

Just write the following in the GTOP100 Contact Field:
Hello, my vote does not go through on the GTOP100 page for Entropia. I only vote once a day.
My IP Adress: "Type your IP Adress Here"
Account ID/pingbackUsername: "Type your Entropia Account ID Here"

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    08:31 AM
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