Advent Calendar + Bonus Events/Changes!
Hello dear Entropia Community!
We have prepared an Advent Calendar for you!
You can currently reach it via [Cash Shop] Laura in Flaris.
To open a door your character must be at least level 175 or Platinum 1
and have been online for one hour.
We've also started a few other small events until Tuesday:
*The record book will be overwritten with a backup after the event!
*Diamond Drop+15% (Level 9 to 12 Diamonds)
*Awake Bonus +5% (Slightly increased chance of higher values when awakening)
Blue Secret Treasure - Drop Event
*You can drop a Blue Secret Treasure from any monster level 120 or higher!
*These include CS-Upgrade Stones/Materials, Currency, Badges, Augmentations, Aibatt Luckyboxes
Further updates & events are currently being worked on for you!
With the Restart of the Server we also fixed some smaller Bugs and made some Performance Adjustments.
Also we buffed some Seraph/Force Master Buffs:
Ire of Ibilis (FM) gives now:
Attack Speed+20% and Damage increase vs. Monsters+5%
Touch of Rhisis (FM) gives now:
Critical Chance+20%, Critical Damage+20%
Raiment of Rhisis (Seraph) gives now:
HP-Rate+10%, Damage Absorb against Monsters+2%
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