Patch-Notes: 13/10/2019 (English)


  • The weekend Events & Sales were extended until Monday - 11:59 PM - UTC+2
  • You earn the double amount of Infinity points when you defeat monsters with "1on1" attacks.
    *If you defeat monsters with "AoE" skills, you will still receive the normal number of points as before.
    *This was introduced to allow Infinity Points to be collected from classes that have it harder to farm those Points with "1on1" attacks.
  • The Infinity IP-Stone (x2 IP Scroll) from the Vote Shop now lasts 60 minutes and costs half of the vote points.
  • Fixed a bug where players would not always be displayed in the party window.
  • Fixed a bug where the vote buff would jump from 7 days to 0 days on a new vote.
  • In Venux, players from your own guild are no longer displayed anonymously.
  • The name of Status Pets is now hidden in Venux.
  • A bug with a special event Anarchy Buff has been fixed.
    *This buff will also be started until Monday!
  • The message when divorcing characters has been adjusted.
    *You will now be warned that you can't marry anyone in the game for 7 days if you divorce your characters.

PvP Balance:

  • All classes have received a map buff that sets the jump height for each class to the PvP maximum.
  • Asal Range 0.6 -> 0.4
  • The Cooldown from the Skill "Stone Feet" was increased from 2. Sec to 5 Sec.
  • Darkness Rake Range 6.0 -> 0.4
  • The Cimetiere's Scream Skill Damage now affects all classes equally.
  • The Cooldown from the Skill "Cimetiere's Scream" was increased from 5. Sec to 8 Sec.
  • More power-ups have been added to the Guild Siege Power-Up Box.

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server Status
  • Server Time
    03:47 AM
  • BG - Siege
  • Crown
  • MvP

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