Weekend Event (English)

A weekend event on Entropia awaits you!

The following events are active for you until the January 27, 2025 at 03:00 AM (German Time)
- The Events expire on the January 27, 2025 at 03:00 AM (German Time) !


:crossed_swords: Anarchy Buff: Demon Power
PvE Damage +5%

:crossed_swords: Anarchy Buff: Sense+
All Stats +25

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Shovel Buff+
You can dig up treasures 25% faster!

:TranceEXP: Anarchy Buff: Trance EXP +50%
Players with unlocked Trance Mode at Royal Level 15 can charge the Trance EXP bar 50% faster!

:Alchemy~1: Alchemy EXP x2
Receive x2 more Alchemy EXP when creating items through recipes!

:sparkles: Anarchy Buff: Infinity Power
EXP +50%, EXP P50+ +25%, All Stats +100

:crown: Anarchy Buff: Royal EXP +100%
Receive +100% more Royal EXP by killing Monsters!

:Giftbox: Platin Reward x3
Receive three times more platinum level rewards up to platinum 50!
This event is intended to boost the Entropia chip rate, especially concerning endgame consumption!
A scroll for resetting (below Royal Level 1) from a maximum of Platinum 50 to Platinum 1 is available in the Vote Shop!
Scroll of Platinum 40 Ultra will be deactivated and removed when using this scroll!

:shopping_cart: Premium Shop Sale:
Until January 27, 2025 at 11:59 PM (German Time)

:sparklesyellow: Mystic Shadow Treasure
Can Contain many valuable and random items, such as Ulti Pieces, Power-Ups, Kings or Ultimate Royal EXP Scrolls, which increase Royal EXP by 600% or 800% per hour. It may also contain a box with 1 of 34 exclusive fashion sets that can only be found in this box. 

:StarterBoost: Starter Boost Treasure
A treasure for the perfect start in the early endgame. You receive the Level Boost Token, which boosts you to Royal Level 6 with pre-made equipment, which is bound, along with 30 days of Premium, access to the VIP Shop for 30 days, Offline Vendor for 30 days, and 3x binded Ultra Royal EXP Scrolls +400% for leveling in the RL10 to RL20 range. All for the same price as just the Boost Token! Royal Level 6 to 10 is exclusively leveled through quests that can also be completed in a group!
You save 3,600 Red Diamonds with this offer!

:LuckyBoxOfAnimatedBags: Lucky Box of Animated Bags
This box gives you one of many animated cloak models for your character.

:ChineseFashionTreasure: Lucky Chinese Fashion Treasure
You can obtain one random fashion model part or a power-up from this chest.

:newspaper: News URL: Click here!

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    04:09 AM
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