Weekend Event (English)

A weekend event on Entropia awaits you!

The following events are active for you until the September 30, 2024 at 03:00 AM UTC+2
- The Events will start on the September 27, 2024 at 03:00 AM UTC+2
- The Events expire on the September 30, 2024 at 03:00 AM UTC+2 !


:Collector: Anarchy Buff: Collecting+
Collector Speed +15%

:sparkles: Anarchy Buff: Luck of the Gods+
Diamond Drop Bonus+10%, Awake Bonus +5%
*The Awake Bonus doesn't count on Augmentations!

:TranceEXP: Trance EXP +100%
Players with unlocked Trance Mode at Royal Level 15 can charge the Trance EXP bar 100% faster!

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Trance Time +20
Players with unlocked Trance Mode at Royal Level 15 can hold the Trance state for 20 seconds longer.

:XPYELLOW: Anarchy Buff: Activity EXP+
The Activity EXP increases your experience for leveling through activites for Platinum level 50+ characters. (Dungeon Runs, Quests)

:Alchemy~1: Alchemy EXP x2
Receive x2 more Alchemy EXP when creating items through recipes!

:XPBLUE~1: Guild EXP x2
Receive more Guild EXP for Ingame Activitys (e.g Monster Kills)
*Doesn't affect Guild XP Scrolls!

:sparkles: Boss Respawn Chance+22%
Boss monsters in dungeons have a 22% chance to reappear after being killed.

:moneybag: Playerside Black Market Auctions on Saturday @September 28, 2024 at 08:00 PM UTC+2
Auction your items anonymously in the black market to other players.

:moneybag: Serverside Black Market Auctions on Sunday @September 29, 2024 at 08:00 PM UTC+2
Items are offered from the server! each player can bid on them!
The highest bidder receives the item afterwards!
The Entropia Chip Perins or Perins of the highest bidder will be deleted from the server afterwards!
If you have been outbid, you will get your Chip Perins or Perins back!
The black market auction is set and will start automatically on Sunday!

Weekend Shop Offers:

Aurora Bag Bundle (Medium):
Get all the items from this bundle and save Red Diamonds!
With this bundle, you’ll receive 4 exclusive non-animated badges for your character, as well as 7x Astral Treasures, 10x Anarchy Buff Lucky Box, 1x Boost Power-Up Bundle (30D), 1x Scroll of Offline Couple (15 Days), and 1x Astral Spirit Food Bag (15 Days).

Aurora Bag Bundle (Large):
Get all the items from this bundle and save Red Diamonds!
With this bundle, you’ll receive 4 exclusive animated badges for your character, as well as 15x Astral Treasures, 1x Guild Siege Buff (3 Days), 15x Anarchy Buff Lucky Box, 1x Boost Power-Up Bundle (30D), 1x Scroll of Party X (15 Days), 1x Scroll of Party Up (15 Days), 1x Astral Spirit Food Bag (30 Days), 1x Scroll of Offline Couple (15 Days), and 4x Astral Spirit EXP Stone (+150%).

:Giftbox: Cybertech Weapon Box
Receive one of many random Cybertech weapon models for your character!

Elite Premium Bundle v3
A permanent new premium bundle has been added to the premium category.
Get 30 days of Premium, one of four new sets of your choice, one of four Ultimate Treasures of your choice, and 6 days of Shop VIP or 3 days of the Entropia Cocktail Buff.

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server Status
  • Server Time
    02:22 AM
  • Guild Siege
  • Battlegrounds
  • Crown
  • MvP

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