Weekend Event (English)

A weekend event on Entropia awaits you!

The following events are active for you until the September 2, 2024 at 03:00 AM UTC+2
- The Events will start on the August 30, 2024 at 03:00 AM UTC+2
- The Events expire on the September 2, 2024 at 03:00 AM UTC+2 !


:Collector: Anarchy Buff: Collecting+
Collector Speed +15%

:DiamondPowder~1: Diamond Recycling x2
Get double the amount of Diamond Powder by recycling diamonds!
You can find the recycling window in the game under "Start -> Features".

:sparkles: Anarchy Buff: Luck of the Gods+
Diamond Drop Bonus+10%, Awake Bonus +5%
*The Awake Bonus doesn't count on Augmentations!

:TranceEXP: Trance EXP +100%
Players with unlocked Trance Mode at Royal Level 15 can charge the Trance EXP bar 100% faster!

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Trance Time +20
Players with unlocked Trance Mode at Royal Level 15 can hold the Trance state for 20 seconds longer.

:XPBLUE~1: Guild EXP x2
Receive more Guild EXP for Ingame Activitys (e.g Monster Kills)
*Doesn't affect Guild XP Scrolls!

:InfinityPoints~1: Infinity Points x2
Earn double Infinity Points for defeating monsters!

:dove: Anarchy Buff: Dove of Luck
Drop+1 Effect except in dungeons with an entry system.
However, this effect also applies in Cooldown Dungeons.

- Daily at 10:00 AM UTC+2 until 02:00 PM UTC+2
- Daily at 06:00 PM UTC+2 until 10:00 PM UTC+2

Weekend Shop Offers:

Lucky Chinese Fashion Treasure
You can obtain one random fashion model part or a power-up from this chest.

Lucky Box of Animated Bags
This box gives you one of many animated cloak models for your character.

Champion & Dragon Treasure
Receive one of many random useful items or fashion sets.
The contents of the box can be viewed in-game through the item wiki (CTRL + right-click on the box).

Starter Boost Treasure
A treasure for the perfect start in the early endgame. You receive the Level Boost Token, which boosts you to Royal Level 6 with pre-made equipment, which is bound, along with 30 days of Premium, access to the VIP Shop for 30 days, Offline Vendor for 30 days, and 3x binded Ultra Royal EXP Scrolls +400% for leveling in the RL10 to RL20 range. All for the same price as just the Boost Token! Royal Level 6 to 10 is exclusively leveled through quests that can also be completed in a group!
You save 3,600 Red Diamonds with this offer!

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  • Server Time
    02:22 AM
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