Halloween 2024 (English)

Trick or Treat!   
Give me something good to eat.   
Give me candy.   
Give me cake.   
Give me something sweet to take

Our sweet Halloween Gift to our Players!

This year's Halloween Event on Entropia has been started!   
You can expect a lot of content for the next days (Until the 10th, November 2024)!

You can discover some Time Limited Halloween places in this Event   
and collect numerous exclusive Halloween Items such as   
Power-Ups or exclusive Halloween Models, which will not be available for a long time after the event!   
Info: The Candy Power-Ups got removed from the Guild Siege Buff Box!

We have also prepared numerous Quests and collecting Tasks for you!   

We also changed the music in the game and added some new sound effects to the content.   
It's worth to turn on the game music again!   

The Rate of the Event Spawns is increasing day by day!   

We wish you a lot of fun with this year's Halloween Event and thank you in advance for reading!   
- Your Entropia Team

On Halloween Day, October 31st, three additional events will be held:

EXP x2, Penya x2, Royal EXP +100%

Many more events running on weekends are listed at the bottom!

You can select the Halloween Map in your Ingame Options!

A village which is dominated by the undead and cold-blooded creatures is connected with a portal to Madrigal!  
You can enter this place through the portal and collect Halloween Tokens from the Undeads, which carry a curse and bring the dead to life.

Collect the coins and exchange them for useful boxes with great content at the Spooky Squash Bane NPC in Flaris, Saint Morning or Darkon!  

You will also receive exclusive Boss Monster Boxes (Pumpkin Box) from the stronger Creatures in this village!

(Daily Singleplayer Dungeon)  

Zombies are spawning all around Madrigal + Ethral / Trigrem!  
Hunt them and collect Zombie Treasures, which containing exclusive Power-Ups and other usefull Items!  

You can view whats inside the Treasure with CTRL + Rightclick on the Box! 

We added an Spook Squash Treasure for 125 Pumpkins each.
which contains random useful Items from Cardia!

Collect Entropia Pumpkins from Spooky Squashes or Pumpkins which lie over Madrigal + Ethral / Trigrem! 
and Exchange them with the Pumpkinhead Brothers for exclusive  
Halloween Items & Models! 

The Spooky Squashes are spawning all around Madrigal + Ethral / Trigrem!!  
Hunt them and collect the Entropia Pumpkins from them, which you can Exchange with the Pumpkinhead Brothers  
for exclusive Halloween Items & Models

*Even though he has no hands, a Spooky Squash can be very skilled at Rock-Paper-Scissors

The Rock-Paper-Scissors coupons can be randomly dropped from all monsters, platinum monsters and royal monsters from level 170+ or can be obtained from Halloween boxes or chests!  
The drop rate of these coupons increases daily until Halloween (the rate of other events also increases).  

Rock-Paper-Scissors - Item List:  

  • Round 1: 1x Scroll of Model Recovery
  • Round 2: 1x Wardrobe Token
  • Round 3: 3x Guild XP Book (10.000)
  • Round 4: 1x Pet Bonus Scroll
  • Round 5: 1x Fashion Bonus Scroll
  • Round 6: 5x Lucky Box of Blessed Key Recipe Treasure
  • Round 7: 1x Event Token
  • Round 8: 1x Shop Status VIP (3 Days)
  • Round 9: 1x Augmentation Treasure (3x Augmentation or 1x Royal Augmentation)
  • Round 10: 1x Blessed Key Recipe Treasure

The Stay Online event is active!  
Receive a Stay Online Box every two hours in-game!  
This box contains many rare and exclusive Halloween models! 
You can bring up to 10 characters online to receive this box multiple times every two hours. 

Every few hours there's a chance that a Halloween Treasure will spawn somewhere in Madrigal + Ethral / Trigrem!  
(Shout Announcement)  

You can get Entropia Flowers, Event Tokens, a Pet or a Special Box from them. 

Bid on special items to buy them at this auction!  
On Monday, players can offer their own items for auction for a small fee to the server.  
and on Tuesday players can buy items provided by the server to get currency out of the game!

Playerside Black Market Auctions on Monday 30. October 2024 - 08:00 PM - UTC+1

  • Auction your items anonymously in the black market to other players.

Serverside Black Market Auctions on Tuesday 31. October 2024 - 08:00 PM - UTC+1

  • Items are offered from the server! each player can bid on them! 
    The highest bidder receives the item afterwards! 
    The Entropia Chip Perins or Perins of the highest bidder will be deleted from the server afterwards! 
    If you have been outbid, you will get your Chip Perins or Perins back! 
    The black market auction is set and will start automatically on Sunday!


On our Discord server there will be some events for you in the next days!      
You can read more information about it in the following days on our Discord server.

We organize a Halloween Fashion Show in our Discord which will run until 10. November 2024 - 11:59 PM - UTC+1 !

Here you can publish your self-designed fashion and participate in the Halloween fashion show.

We attach importance to the following points:
• No Screenshots from older Events (We logged them all)
• Innovative & creative ideas
• Details & the right background (weapons, masks, pets, cloaks, emotes, characters in the background etc.) 
*This all is not a must on the pictures, but can be used if it harmonizes so better as a whole.
• No stories with character texts, it's a fashion show!
• Halloween theme

There will be five winners:
• One for the scariest Halloween Fashion Show Picture. 
• One for the ugliest Halloween Fashion Show Picture.
• One for the cutest Halloween Fashion Show Picture.
• One for the best Old-School Halloween-Fashion Show Picture.
*Only Official Fashion Models / Pets up to v15
• One for the Prettiest Halloween Fashion Show Picture.

The winner will receive the following items:
Every Winner in each category will receive 7.000 Red Diamonds and 2 Entropia Flowers!

A weekend event on Entropia awaits you!

The following events will be active for you from the 1. November until the 4. November 2024 - 03:00 AM - UTC+1: 
The events expire on the 4. November 2024 at 03:00 AM - UTC+2!

 :sparkles: Anarchy Buff: Infinity Power
EXP +50%, EXP P50+ +25%, All Stats +100

:PeepoArrive: Anarchy Buff: Dungeon Entry +1
An additional access in Entry Dungeons.

:DiamondPowder~1: Diamond Recycling x2
Get double the amount of Diamond Powder by recycling diamonds!
You can find the recycling window in the game under "Start -> Features".

:sparkles: Anarchy Buff: Luck of the Gods+
Diamond Drop Bonus+10%, Awake Bonus +5%
*The Awake Bonus doesn't count on Augmentations!

:shield: Anarchy Buff: Defense of the Gods+
Absorbs 10% of the damage you receive from monsters and boss monsters!

:alarm_clock: Anarchy Buff: Plant Expert+
You can harvest plants 25% faster!

:potted_plant: Anarchy Buff: Natures Gift
Receive an additional plant when harvesting plants.

Pinata Invasion
Pinatas are now spawned bit by bit and need some time until they are available in decent numbers!
Pinatas are appearing on Channel 1 and Channel 2 all over Madrigal + Ethral & Trigrem!

Chip Perin Roulette
The Roulette Event is back, taking place over two weekends!
You can place bets on up to 3 balls with options of (x2), (x2), or (x14). If the ball you bet on is drawn, you'll receive double or even fourteen times your wager—or you could lose it all!

The maximum bet allowed is 250 Entropia Chip Perins.

The following events will be active for you from the 8. November until the 11. November 2024 - 03:00 AM - UTC+1: 
The events expire on the 11. November 2024 at 03:00 AM - UTC+2!

:XPGREEN: EXP Event x2.0
Receive x2.0 more EXP for defeating monsters!
*Platinum 0 until Platinum 50!

:crown: Anarchy Buff: Royal EXP +100%
Receive +100% more Royal EXP by killing Monsters!

:dove: Anarchy Buff: Dove of Luck
Drop+1 Effect except in dungeons with an entry system.
However, this effect also applies in Cooldown Dungeons.

- Daily at 10:00 AM UTC+2 until 02:00 PM UTC+2
- Daily at 06:00 PM UTC+2 until 10:00 PM UTC+2

:crossed_swords: Anarchy Buff: Monster Hunter
PvE Damage+5%, All Stats +25

:crossed_swords: Anarchy Buff: Strength of the Gods+
PvE One-Hit Chance+2% (Not applicable to Boss Monsters)

:TranceEXP: Trance EXP +100%
Players with unlocked Trance Mode at Royal Level 15 can charge the Trance EXP bar 100% faster!

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Trance Time +20
Players with unlocked Trance Mode at Royal Level 15 can hold the Trance state for 20 seconds longer.

Clockworks Butler Invasion
Farm Black Giftboxes from the Clockworks Butler's and get awesome rewards like:
Premium, Badges, Blessed Keys, Power-Ups etc;

Chip Perin Roulette
The Roulette Event is back, taking place over two weekends!
You can place bets on up to 3 balls with options of (x2), (x2), or (x14). If the ball you bet on is drawn, you'll receive double or even fourteen times your wager—or you could lose it all!

The maximum bet allowed is 250 Entropia Chip Perins.

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server Status
  • Server Time
    01:06 PM
  • BG - Siege
  • Crown
  • MvP

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