Entropia Release - 15/12/2018 (English)

Hello, Entropia Commuinty, we are happy to announce that the server is going to be open today at 08:30PM! The client is already available for download. You can also already register accounts! We wish you a good time and a lot of fun playing! Additional information: - The client will be made available in English and German. - At server release, we will provide 6 Channels. * Should you experience any connection issues, please switch to another channel. - Any old account, on which donations on "Entropia v1" were done, are still available. * Account wihout any donations have been deleted. * Any donations points on the still existing accounts were refunden. * Addition information about the refund can be found below. - The vote points from "Entropia v1" have been reset to 0 on all accounts. - The Christmas event will be active on release! - EXP rates have been changed and customized completely. * The first level (Platinum 0, Lv. 1 - 175) is completed from Flarine through Darkon 1. - The platinum system has been changed! * Your EXP will now be set from 99.99% from 00.00% percent on platinum level up! * You receive one job-change item for free. * Additional job-change items can be bought at the Platinum NPC for 15.000 Perin or received by winning events. - The Yo-Yo skill "Cross Line" is now an AoE skill. - The HP% of the Ringmaster class was reduced, because we want to favor a group-oriented playstyle and establish the Knight/Templar further as the go-to tanking class. - Because this is a fresh server start, there can still be some errors or bugs, which we will fix immediately when discovered. - Any translation errors will also be fixed. - Please report any errors you find to the staff using Discord. * The Discord server will undergo additional changes shortly. - The Guild War is scheduled on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 08:30pm CEST! * Every participant will receive rewards. * Ranks 1 - 3 will receive additional rewards. - Collecting is now limited to 10 characters per IP-Address! - You can find a Beginner Guide on Discord and the website soon! * We are looking for creators for this guide and also for the upcoming Wiki. (German/English) * Wiki-authors will receive a special rank on Discord. * If you are interested in helping us out with the Wiki, please create a ticket on our website in the corresponding category! Donate points & shop: - The Vote Shop is available in game at: Start -> Premium -> Shop! * You can vote if you are logged in in game or on the website. - The donate shop will be made available soon! More information will follow! * Enjoy the time without it and compete with other players! :) - There will be no donation rewards on release of the donate shop. - Ultimate Items will be added over the course of a longer time period, not all at once. * The first Ultimate Items available are the Ultimate Entropia Cloak and the Ultimate Entropia Mask. * These will only be equippable when the character is platinum level 50! * This restriction can not be bypassed with having premium status! - Donations will be made available when the donate shop opens. The donate points of "Entropia v1" have been refunded as follows: - 2013 = 30% Refund - 2014 = 40% Refund - 2015 = 50% Refund - 2016 = 50% Refund - 2017 = 75% Refund - 2018 = 100% Refund Events: - The christmas event will be running until the 02.01.2019! * News and information about this event will be posted on the website shortly! - Ingame events will be held spontaniously over the course of the next days! YouTube/Twitch: - Players, that upload 3 Videos or stream 3 hours of Entropia will receive the YouTube/Twitch-badge for their character! - Everyone rewarded with this badge will also receive the "Legendary Snow Bird" Pick-up Pet!

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Server Information  Kheldor (Highrate)
  • Server StatusOnline
  • Server Time09:40 PM
  • Guild Siege-
  • Battlegrounds-
  • CrownLemon
  • MvPTwiistar

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